Ludicrously Specific
Three movies. One improbable connection. Countless puns. Endless pedantry. From the grindhouse to the arthouse, join Doug Dillaman, Steve Skeet and Darren Waugh on this New Zealand-based, Internet-distributed audio podcast. That’s not just specific - that’s *ludicrously* specific.

Tuesday Mar 14, 2023
Tuesday Mar 14, 2023
Supernatural film noir, topless tennis smuggled into a martial arts film, Uruguayan cinematheques, 70s car chases, Bette Davis, and Jeff Goldblum. Join us for another rambling celebration of what's passed through our eyeholes in the last month!
(Also: WRECK, mentioned by Darren, is on TVNZ+ now. Call this a show note. Would you like show notes? Let us know!)

Wednesday Feb 15, 2023
Wednesday Feb 15, 2023
Throw a dart at Martin Scorsese's filmography and you could come up with a subset of films to discuss. But who throws a dart at the bloody Roger Corman-produced BOXCAR BERTHA and the prestigious Oscar-winning PG-rated THE AGE OF INNOCENCE? No points for realising the answer is us. Join us as we connect the dots on two of Scorsese's literary adaptations, and see who's team "rabblerousing Barbara Hershey" and who's team "internally tortured Daniel Day-Lewis". The answer may surprise you!

Tuesday Jan 31, 2023
Tuesday Jan 31, 2023
It's 2023, and we're changing things up. From now on, we'll have a ramble of films we've seen as a standalone episode at the start of the month, and a deep dive into two films midway through the month. At least, for as long as we can keep it up! From BLOOD GAMES to ROVER DANGERFIELD to DIAL H-I-S-T-O-R-Y, and some little sci-fi film called NOPE, get ready to ramble through a month's worth of watching with Darren, Doug and Steve.

Friday Dec 30, 2022
Friday Dec 30, 2022
Are you ready for this year's Ludicrously Specific Christmas special? We certainly weren't, which is why we recorded this three days after Christmas. That's okay, because when it comes to seasonal topicality, the three films that we found to chat about make DIE HARD look like THE NATIVITY STORY. So after a pre-chat that lasts longer than that leftover holiday ham, join us as we discuss three of the most seasonally-adjacent films out there: THE LEGEND OF HELL HOUSE, ROCKY IV: ROCKY VS DRAGO, and THE LEGEND OF HELL HOUSE.

Wednesday Oct 19, 2022
Wednesday Oct 19, 2022
Have you watched the documentary BLANK CITY? Neither have two of our hosts. But one early morning viewing by our third host led to this installment covering three of the films profiled therein that emerged from the No Wave scene of New York in the early 80s. Meet three spray painting directionless protagonists in an urban ruin. Not your hosts. We don't know how to spray paint.

Monday Jul 18, 2022
Monday Jul 18, 2022
Can you be forgiven for assuming we're dead? Probably, we're nice like that. Can we be forgiven for not bothering to not having a theme for our first episode in over six months? Probably not, but here we are! From the sublime to the ridiculous, we're back together, and only our enthusiasm is infectious!

Tuesday Jan 04, 2022
Tuesday Jan 04, 2022
Long promised, finally delivered! Our in-person reunion. All the usually talking over each other with no awkward pauses on Skype! Recorded in the runup to Christmas, some discussion of seasonal favourites, and an excursis on Darren's favourite year in movies: 1964.

Tuesday Nov 02, 2021
Tuesday Nov 02, 2021
We thought we'd reunite in person soon HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA sorry about that. It seemed plausible once! Anyway, we got together on what once was to be the opening night of the NZIFF in Auckland to chat about Doug's bespoke replacement, the Auckland Online Film Festival (AOFF), as well as the gargantuan number of films we've been watching in the last month of lockdown.

Saturday Oct 02, 2021
Saturday Oct 02, 2021
What's the greatest year for film ever? Steve thinks it's 1987. So we talk a lot about 1987 movies, but that's not specific enough. What about movies that start with the letter R? Reasonably specific? And that are *also* rated R? Now we're talking ludicrously specific. Join us for RAGE OF HONOR, RAMPAGE, and RITA SUE AND BOB TOO in a episode that's epic length even by our standards!

Thursday Sep 02, 2021
Thursday Sep 02, 2021
The breezy ARACHNOPOBIA, tense WARNING SIGN, and grimy MANIAC have a few things in common. They're all first films, they're all horror films, and for some freaking reason, Doug owns all three soundtracks on vinyl, yet has never watched them. Until now! Hear we think ... after we clear our throats for an hour or so discussing lockdown viewing!